Need A Percussionist??

Addams Family 2022Seussical 2024

Last Update: 2/10/25

Professional musician and experienced percussionist.  I started playing the drums at the age of 4 and have performed all over New England.  I studied Music Education at the University of Rhode Island and Umass Lowell before ultimately ending up working in Parks & Rec.  

I have extensive theater pit work experience including 113 shows at 40+ theaters.  I own and can transport all percussion instruments including drum set, timpani, chimes, marimba, crotales, vibes, xylo, hand drums, electronics, and accessories.


My Skills: Theater Pit Bands, Accompanying choral groups, Sight reading most percussion music, All Styles: Classical, Rock, Latin, Jazz, 

Drum Set (Jazz, Rock, Latin), Marching Percussion, Timpani, Mallets (Bells, Xylophone, Marimba, Vibes, Crotales, Chimes), Percussion Accessories (Hand Percussion, Triangle, Tamborine, Latin Instruments, Bongos/congas, etc.)

I have played lots of band literature and many common orchestral pieces.  I am a very stong sight reader, especially on Drum Set, Timpani, and General Percussion. I have a lot of experience in Pit Bands for community theater groups.

Into the Woods 2023Pinocchio 2024Addams Family 2024

Shows I've played:
For a complete resume: CONTACT ME.

Seussical  -  #11 Gertrude McFuzz, #12, 12a, 12b Amazing Mayzie, Amazing Gertrude (11/23/2024)

Voices of Metrowest Concert (6/2/2024)

Alexander's Jazz Time Band (6/3/2023)

Andover Show Choir - From Start to Finish in Nashville TN at the Heart of America Finals (2/24/2018)

Dixieland Live (Metropolitian Wind Symphony arr. Lew Buckley)